Monday, June 19, 2006
Muskrat Love
Priscilla, the ultimate overachiever, was succeeding in college socially and academically, but had yet to go on one date. No one resurrected Marsha or Floyd, but let me tell you those two were putting some powerful mojo on Priscilla to get her love life together.
So, Priscilla goes downtown. She sees a DJ (yes..the first NPC points, I'm not as type A as Priscilla and only non-point townies have joined the family so far). And, she manages to get enough of his attention to call him. His name is Aiden. See what you think.

After a few phone calls, Aiden agrees to visit the Greek House.

Priscilla is a little worried about his prospects as he seems to enjoy the bubble blower a bit too much.
This concern was only exacerbated when he and Beth (her best friend) did not hit it off and engaged in a knock down drag out worthy of the best Vince McMahon PPV.

Beth tells Priscilla she can do better.
So Priscilla agrees to see Aiden outside of the Greek House.

The trouble is, that Priscilla is really attracted to her Greek House mate Vaughn (who is Beth's true love). Fortunately, Priscilla is prinicipled enough to keep this to herself.

After a swig of the re nu yu potion, Priscilla decides Aiden is just as hot (no change in aspiration, Pinstar, in case you are monitoring).

Then, Priscilla conquered him totally with a Dream Date.

Priscilla and Aiden in love. The Legacy is assured.
So, Priscilla goes downtown. She sees a DJ (yes..the first NPC points, I'm not as type A as Priscilla and only non-point townies have joined the family so far). And, she manages to get enough of his attention to call him. His name is Aiden. See what you think.

After a few phone calls, Aiden agrees to visit the Greek House.

Priscilla is a little worried about his prospects as he seems to enjoy the bubble blower a bit too much.
This concern was only exacerbated when he and Beth (her best friend) did not hit it off and engaged in a knock down drag out worthy of the best Vince McMahon PPV.

Beth tells Priscilla she can do better.
So Priscilla agrees to see Aiden outside of the Greek House.

The trouble is, that Priscilla is really attracted to her Greek House mate Vaughn (who is Beth's true love). Fortunately, Priscilla is prinicipled enough to keep this to herself.

After a swig of the re nu yu potion, Priscilla decides Aiden is just as hot (no change in aspiration, Pinstar, in case you are monitoring).

Then, Priscilla conquered him totally with a Dream Date.

Priscilla and Aiden in love. The Legacy is assured.
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Isn't it nice when a legacy is assured. :O)) Hehe. And it's not cheating to use the re-nu-yu porto chug. It's not a cheat but an actual object to be used. So you're safe.
ack - and he is one of the homeliest DJ's out there, only enhanced by the gawd-awful orange track suit! :)Woot on the dream date!!
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