Sunday, June 18, 2006
Be True To Your School (and the Ugmos)
Priscilla arrived at Sim State University determined to make a good impression. She knew that she was lagging behind other legacy families in her scholarships (did every family but hers own an energizer and how did they all stay in such good moods to use them effectively?) So she tried to reassure herself by gussying up.

Priscilla, if you recall is a Knowledge sim, and, unlike her grandmother, Marsha, was under no delusions as to her innate hotness. She basically knew she was an Ugmo and that she had to compensate for her facial deficiencies by improving her body.

Being the genius she was, she knew that most male sims look only below the neck.
Not that she was obsessed with improving her body. She knew her ticket to happiness was her mind. So she devoted a lot of time to her studies and focusing on her goals.

Yum...brain food!

Yeah yeah..the term papers...Priscilla is bored to tears by this exercise as is every Sim who ever went to college.
Then, her concentration was shattered. Professor Armando Thayer rang her doorbell. You may recall that Sterling Ugmo, nee Thayer (the cipher now ghost and a complete waste of my time) was Pricilla's biological father who was too dumb to feed himself. He died in Priscilla's infancy. It turns out Prof. Armando Thayer is Sterling's younger brother. He confronts Priscilla with the Ugmo's complete lack of compassion for Sterling's disability and blames her family for his death. Priscilla does not lack her grandmother Marsha's confidence in setting him straight about the facts of Sterling's death.

*Your brother was glitched from birth and a pox upon our house. Look at my chin. I thank the sim gods i was spared his stupidity*
It would have been easy for Priscilla to let this traumatic emotional experience derail her ambitions. But..she was truly Marsha's grandaughter. What an Ugmo wants an Ugmo gets and Priscilla was determined to move forward.

Priscilla, if you recall is a Knowledge sim, and, unlike her grandmother, Marsha, was under no delusions as to her innate hotness. She basically knew she was an Ugmo and that she had to compensate for her facial deficiencies by improving her body.

Being the genius she was, she knew that most male sims look only below the neck.
Not that she was obsessed with improving her body. She knew her ticket to happiness was her mind. So she devoted a lot of time to her studies and focusing on her goals.

Yum...brain food!

Yeah yeah..the term papers...Priscilla is bored to tears by this exercise as is every Sim who ever went to college.
Then, her concentration was shattered. Professor Armando Thayer rang her doorbell. You may recall that Sterling Ugmo, nee Thayer (the cipher now ghost and a complete waste of my time) was Pricilla's biological father who was too dumb to feed himself. He died in Priscilla's infancy. It turns out Prof. Armando Thayer is Sterling's younger brother. He confronts Priscilla with the Ugmo's complete lack of compassion for Sterling's disability and blames her family for his death. Priscilla does not lack her grandmother Marsha's confidence in setting him straight about the facts of Sterling's death.

*Your brother was glitched from birth and a pox upon our house. Look at my chin. I thank the sim gods i was spared his stupidity*
It would have been easy for Priscilla to let this traumatic emotional experience derail her ambitions. But..she was truly Marsha's grandaughter. What an Ugmo wants an Ugmo gets and Priscilla was determined to move forward.